1. Human Capital

Presence of a labor force with certain skills

Presence of a high productivity labor force, including workforce quality and workplace practices

Educational attainment

Education and employee training system

Slowing outmigration rate

2. Traditional and Non-Traditional Infrastructure

Strategic location of the region

Transportation infrastructure

Information and communication technologies (broadband, wireless)

Significant natural resource base and physical development assets

Farmland and agricultural resources (climate, soils, and topography)

Forest assets

Water resources

Marcellus and Utica shale gas resources

Solar energy resources

Geothermal energy resources

Wind energy resources

Biomass / Biofuels resources

Lake Erie coastland asset

Tourism assets

Significant manufacturing base

Significant industry clusters

Significant occupation clusters

Growth sectors (education and health services sector, the professional and business services sector, the leisure and hospitality sector, and other services)

Diversification of industry sectors

Business acumen

Technical / technology acumen and resources

Global linkages

Significant support of economic development by local foundations

Presence of the Seneca Nation of Indians

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial capacity

Non-technical business assistance providers (e.g., business planning assistance, etc.)

Business incubators

Business development programs


Research and development enterprises

Productivity enhancement programs and assistance

4. Quality, Connected Places

Livable, walkable, smaller communities

Low crime rates

Affordable cost of living

Clean environment

Recreational and tourism assets

Cultural assets

Historic assets

5. Collaborative Leadership

Willingness to collaborate and rationally seek solutions to problems and achieving goals

Increased level of collaboration and services and equipment sharing amongst municipalities in the region

Many community and industrial leaders have a strong “pride of place” commitment to region

Amenability to transformational change

Indications of willingness to consider proactive investment in economic development

Ongoing commitment to strategic planning and the county and municipal level